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Architectural Glass Specification

Download our current Architectural Glazing Specification Guide. This specification template has been prepared by Vitrum and is written according to the Construction Specification Institute (CSI) 3‐Part Format. The specification can be customized for your project by including details for the products you are specifying in Article 2.6 Product Schedule. The text in blue italics is intended to be altered to identify the specific product you selected.

For additional information or for assistance as you develop your design specifications, please contact Vitrum.

*Vitrum™ Glass Group does not assume any responsibility for the adequacy of this guide. The user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of Vitrum’s products, recommendations and advice to ensure the products and services will be safe and are suitable for use under the end-use conditions. The user must also confirm all applicable codes and design requirements.

Architectural Glass Specification

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